
The Success Acceleration Planner

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How to Increase Your Chances of Success by 42 percent - Do This One Thing

How to Increase Your Chances of Success by 42 percent - Do This One Thing - The Success Acceleration Planner

What if I told you there was a simple way to increase your chances of success by 42 percent? Well, there is, and it's something you can start doing today. So what is it? The answer may surprise you. It's not some complicated strategy or tactic. In fact, it's something that's often overlooked - yet so incredibly important. What is it? Read on to find out!

Many people set goals and make New Year's resolutions, but very few actually stick to them:

60% of people abandon their resolutions within six months; 

25% of people abandon them within just 7 days, 

and only 8% actually accomplish their goals.


So is there a better way to stick to your goals?

Yes! One way to stick to your resolutions is to write them down. 


”Only 3% of adults have WRITTEN personal goals, and everyone else works for them.” - Brian Tracy


Of course, you know which group you want to be in. But if you haven’t set your personal goals, and built a concrete structure behind them by writing them down and taking consistent action in a SYSTEMATIC way…

Well, you’re going to have a MUCH harder time.


80% of your success comes from clarity on what you want to achieve, because not even the best archer in the world can hit a target that doesn’t exist, right?


Did you know that you are 42 percent more likely to achieve your goals if you write them down?


Psychology professor Dr. Gail Matthews at Dominican University in California did a study on goal achievement with 267 participants and concluded just that.


Writing our goals down not only helps us get clear on what exactly it is that we want to accomplish, but in doing so, we are able to assimilate the information more efficiently, visualize the outcomes better, and our goals literally encode in our brains. They "imprint," and we are more willing to act on them. Almost like a map of every highway you need to take to get there.


In writing our goals down, we, in effect, give ourselves permission to pursue them and express your commitment. By putting pen to paper and structuring a plan, we are able to visualize them becoming a reality.  


It's no wonder why all millionaires share this one common trait. It gets them the results they're looking for! And they always act NOW. Never later.


This will get you farther than 97% of people, but it is only the beginning.


The Success Acceleration Planner will show you the rest, including our special visualization formulas and daily reflection strategies, as well as inspiring quotes and more.


It’s time to take charge of your life, don’t you think?! Get your Success Acceleration Planner NOW - the best daily success planner that helps you define your goals, write them down, keep track of your progress, and hold yourself accountable to achieve them.


Start TODAYWriting your goals down might be one of the most important steps you take to accomplish anything you want in life. Don't let another year, month, week, or even day go by without working toward achieving your biggest goals. 

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